Dedication + ACkNOWLEDGEMENTs + COpyRight

This book is dedicated to:


Christy Austin

Who had a major influence on the creation of this book


was the first person who shared my passion for creating stories



Nikki Penner

who had a major influence on the revision of this book


has always been the book’s biggest supporter.


Thank you so much!



First of all, a huge thank you to Deneane Sutton. She basically made this book happen. She found editors, an illustrator, a graphic designer, all at a reasonable rate. I owe her the world.


Thank you to Harry James for providing a fantastic illustration for the cover; I especially love that you added Amanda’s fist. Thank you to Gabriel Buchanan for the amazing cover design. Thank you to Melvina Middleton, CreateSpace’s Anna, True Blue Editorial’s Tirzah Price for all of your editorial help!  An additional thank you goes to Nancy Winter for your help with the post-publication revision.


A huge thank you to anyone who ever even agreed to read my book, it is always nerve-wracking to share something that you’re worked on for so long and meant so much to you. Elizabeth Flow, your discussions, and notes have been invaluable. Kelsey Northup, I know this is not your type of story, but I appreciate any advice you give because I know is your honest opinion, and that means a lot. Thanks also to Jeana Schopfer, Jason Dupre, Stephen Walker, Jennifer Carson, Cyril Murphy, and Erin Miller. You guys are awesome.


Thank you to Megan Kellis, Gene and Rose Wolf my brother, Allen Wolf, and Scottie and Harold Watkins for their unfailing support of this endeavor.


Thank you to my fiction instructors at NC State, Emily Howson, Jill McCorkle, and Zelda Lockhart for providing great advice with honing my craft. Thank you also to the students in those classes for providing honest feedback on my stories.


Romance is for Other People Text Copyright ©2015 by Lee Wolf. Website Copyright ©2023 by Lee Wolf. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No other part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.


Chapter 25: None of That Matters Because I Love You


Bonus: Short Message from Jessica + Full Soundtrack Playlist + My Explanations for Each Song